Marketing Coaching

Once your business is generating an income your first spend needs to be on marketing in as many of its guises as you can afford to cover. You see, the very essence of marketing is to inform as many people as possible that you have a product or service that will enhance the quality of their lives. The more people that are aware of your offering, the more chance you have of making a sale.

As already mentioned, marketing comes in multiple guises but the two words you need to always have front of mind for marketing is Consistency & Persistency. You see, marketing is a tap best left dripping. You can’t switch marketing on when you need leads then turn it off when you have enough work. Yes, you can turn the level up & down but never turn it off completely.

So how do you understand the different forms of marketing & how do you know which one is going to work best for you.


you need to identify who your ideal client is, where do they live & work, where does there lifestyle take them and how does your product or service improve their lives.

Once you’ve identified your ideal client you can look at what would be the best way to reach them. If your business is offering products to consumers then may be facebook, tiktok & Instagram would be your best platforms. If sales are Business to Business then Linkedin may be a better option.

Who has access to your clients?

This is a great question for identifying strategic partners. A mortgage advisor partnering with an estate agent would be a good call. The same can be said for a florist pairing with wedding planners & funeral directors. Have a think about who would have access to your ideal client and see if you can set up some sort of introducer agreement that benefits all concerned.

If your business is local then leaflet drops would still be effective. Maybe, sponsoring PTA’s or local charity events would be the way to raise awareness with the local community. If you’re national or even international, then obviously this sort of approach isn’t going to work. You need to be putting your product or service in front of your ideal clients digitally, which means focusing on SEO, PPC & content marketing is going to feature heavily in your campaigns.

Whatever form/s of marketing you chose

it shouldn’t be a black hole that swallows money. Measure everything. Your spend, cost of acquisition across each channel, average spend per channel, lifetime value of a client etc. Marketing is one of those areas where a fool & his money can be easily parted, so make sure you understand where your money is being spent and what the returns are.

The marketing section of the Grow Partnership website will give you a constantly expanding libruary of videos, downloadable forms and written content to help you understand marketing. This is vitally important as, even if you’re not the one that’s completing the marketing within your business, you need to understand and interrogate those that are.

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